Greek FM: Talks with Libya only after gov’t emerges via election, one representing Libyan people
He added that Greece will initiate talks with a new Libyan government, adding that he believes such talks will positively conclude “relatively quickly, as the entire issue is rather clear”
Greece will hold talks with Libya over maritime zones, but with a government emerging after elections, one which will represent the true will of the Libyan people, Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias said from Benghazi on Thursday.
He added that Greece will initiate talks with a new Libyan government, adding that he believes such talks will positively conclude “relatively quickly, as the entire issue is rather clear”.
He also emphasized that the current interim – and expired – Libyan government “has an obligation to fully cooperate, so it can lead the country to elections rapidly”.
Referring to his meeting in Benghazi with the head of the Libya National Army (LNA), Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, he said the latter reiterated his well-known stance on the so-called Turkish-Libyan MoUs.
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