Turkey rachets tensions with Bahtceli’s new tirades
“They want to impose the terms of the Treaty of Sevres on us,” said Turkey’s minor ruling coalition partner, signalling that saber rattling will escalate as the presidential election approaches
Ankara continues its nationalist delirium, with junior government partner Devlet Bakhceli talking about the “century of Turkey” and the attempt of some to impose the terms of the Treaty of Sevres on the country.
As reported by SKAI channel’s correspondent in Istanbul, Manolis Kostidis, Turkey has already entered a pre-election period, which bolsters Ankara’s extreme rhetoric.
“Today’s conditions have similarities with the global impositions of 1919. They want to take the Turkish people to the era before the Treaty of Lausanne and they want to bring before us the conditions of the Treaty of Sevres” the president of the Nationalist Action party is reported to have said
“Turkey and the vision ‘Turkey’s century’ are like the arrow which is directed with great speed towards its goal” emphasized Bakhceli and added: “We are in a time before 1919, the foreigners are coming, the French, the Britons, the Greeks are coming, and who will save you? The One, that is, Erdogan together with Bakhceli” he said, paying homage to his ally and patting himself on the back.
“This is rhetoric that needs a lot of attention, and that will continue until the presidential elections,” noted Mr. Kostidis.
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