Epsilon Net: The changes in the Greek employment system with the digital job card
Preference for innovative “smart” solutions
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The complex – technological and scientific – task of preparing and supporting businesses throughout the country for the Digital Work Card and Digital Hours was at the center of an informational event organized in collaboration with Attica Association of Freelance Tax Technicians by the Epsilon Net IT Group.
According to Epsilon Net Group Labor Advisor and Commercial Director Vassilis Prassas, who was the main speaker of the Conference, the changes between the old and new regime are coded as follows:
1. Digital hours: The recording of the hours will be done in a fully digital format and the declaration of the working hours in Ergani will be replaced, which is currently done in the form of text or attached files, which obliges the accountant to configure the digital hours from scratch.
2. Digital Card: Each entry and exit of the employee from work will be digitally recorded while there will be direct connection, control and criteria for cross-checking declared with actual working hours. Any kind of deviation (small or large) from the declared hours should be checked and documented.
3.’Leaves – absences: The employer will be obliged to accurately record any type of leave – illness – absence which must be submitted electronically by the accountant within the 1st 10th day of the following month.
4.Overtime – Overtime: Overtime and overtime will be recorded on a “hit” basis, while not having a hit during inspection will result in penalties.
5. Payroll Calculation: Payroll calculation should largely agree with the results of marks/hits which multiplies the time of checking the data.
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