PwC Greece: The first professional training program on ESG issues
The Athens University of Economics and Business partners with PwC Greece – Applications are open
The UN SDSN ESG, the first professional training program in Greece on ESG and Sustainable Development issues, by the Center for Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) of the Athens University of Economics, in collaboration with PwC Greece, is starting its operation.
The program brings together the scientific and educational experience of the Athens University of Economics and Business with the business practice and know-how of PwC, the leading consulting company in Greece on ESG issues, and the scientific expertise of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the largest global network of Universities regarding Solutions for Sustainable Development which operates under the auspices of the DG. of the UN.
ESG training certificate
It is a comprehensive program, with a total duration of 36 hours, which for the first time provides participants with a training certificate in ESG and sustainable development issues from the Athens University of Economics and Business.
Its purpose is to help participants fully understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and successfully integrate Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria into business operations.
The program is taught by internationally renowned professors, researchers and professionals from the market and PwC and is aimed at business executives, workers in the early stages of their careers and everyone who wants to gain knowledge about ESG.
The initiative is part of the wider cooperation between PwC Greece and the University of Economics and both are looking forward to the continuous strengthening of the relationship between the business and academic community.
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