Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Elevate Greece signed memorandum of cooperation with Microsoft

Elevate Greece signed memorandum of cooperation with Microsoft

“Microsoft offers incentives, benefits, tools, training programs and services that will increase the competitiveness and especially the extroversion of Greek start-ups”, says the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology

Elevate Greece signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Microsoft, which aims to train, guide, support, and network Greek start-ups.

As Deputy Minister Christos Dimas stated in a post on social media, Greece is developing into a regional hub in the field of technology and innovation, while he emphasized that by utilizing “the great human resources we have, we attract interest and create synergies with global business giants”.

According to Mr. Dimas: “Microsoft, with its human resources and its know-how in matters of innovation and technology, offers important incentives, benefits, tools, training programs and services that will increase the competitiveness and especially the extroversion of Greek start-ups.”

Elevate Greece is an initiative launched by the Greek Government, intended to identify promising startups and support their growth nurturing a robust innovation ecosystem along the way.

The initiative provides a digital gate through which Greek startups can apply requesting to be officially accredited by competent State Ministry (Ministry of Development & Investments – General Secretariat for Research & Innovation [GSRI]).

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Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025