The household basket wins consumer trust says Develoment Minister
“We’ve had name brand markdowns, minimal increases and lots of fixed price products”
“We had many branded products in the household basket. The prices are good. Here we saw lower prices than before. After four weeks we’ve achieved markdowns, minimal increases and many flat-price items. In an environment of inflation running at 10% this is in itself a very large reduction.” This was stated by the Minister of Development and Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, during his visit today to a “Galaxias” supermarket chain outlet to reward the company regarding the prices of the products included in the household basket.
As the minister mentioned, “all the supermarket chains have done a very good job.I am happy that new players also trust the cart and participate in the effort,” he added, pointing out that “week after week the cart gains the trust of consumers.”
Mr. Georgiadis noted that although initially the initiative was met with skepticism, now however, it has created a large market.
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