Σάββατο 04 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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The benefits of PDO/PGI labelling for Greek farmers

The benefits of PDO/PGI labelling for Greek farmers

The Commission intends to introduce a harmonized mandatory nutrition label on the front of the package

The Region of Thessaly, which is a member of the Association of European Regions for Products of Origin (AREPO) network, aims at the development and protection of PDO and PGI products, thus protecting the income of farmers and the health of consumers.

On November 30, an event on food labeling will take place in Brussels and as part of the “Farm to Fork” strategy, the European Commission intends to introduce a harmonized mandatory nutrition label on the front of the package.

AREPO, however, agrees with the European Commission that a shift towards more sustainable and healthy behaviors is needed, allowing consumers to fully understand both the nutritional aspects of a food and its role in the reference food system. However, it objects that simplified and synthetic information may harm products covered by EU quality systems, limiting the impact of ongoing efforts to develop their full potential.

Direct benefits for producers

In his letter to the AREPO Organizing Committee, the regional governor of Thessaly, Kostas Agorastos, expressed the support of the Region, which is a key supporter of the actions of the EU Regions, in the creation of labeling exclusively for geographical indication products.

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Σάββατο 04 Ιανουαρίου 2025