Greek gvt. supports regional development through Leader program
For the new programming period 2023-2027, public expenditure amounting to 236 million euros is foreseen through Leader projects
The importance of the Leader program for the growth of Greek regions, as well as agrotourism, was highlighted by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr. Giorgos Georgantas, speaking at a conference held in Katerini for Leader’s 31 years.
As Mr. Georgantas pointed out, this is a program that is completely consistent with the philosophy and policy of the government to support the Greek region through the support of the primary sector. Because by supporting the primary sector, Greek regions are supported, thus support a key pillar for the development of the Greek economy and the largest industry the country has, tourism.
For the government, as he noted, rural tourism and agritourism strengthen the social fabric with the synergy and cooperation of many small different businesses in the countryside, which all together create a unity, a product and project a different development model.
At the same time, as the Minister pointed out, the distinct identity of Greek products that make them unique all over the world is supported, identifying them with quality and promotimg the extroversion of the agri-food sector, boosting the income of both Greek farmers and small and medium-sized businesses.
For the new programming period 2023-2027, public expenditure amounting to 236 million euros is foreseen through Leader projects.
The Minister made special reference to the absorption capacity of the Agricultural Development Program, where a record annual absorption of resources is expected to be achieved with payments of more than 1 billion euros.
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