Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025
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Large police dragnet operation in Zefyri near Athens

Large police dragnet operation in Zefyri near Athens

In Western Attica as well as in several regions of Greece, angry protests have broken out in recent days

A large-scale police operation is currently underway in Zephyri, Menidi in Ano Liosia and other areas of Western Attica, at a time when anger is boiling over in the Roma communities over the serious injury of 16-year-old Kostas Fragoulis by a policeman.

In Western Attica as well as in several regions of Greece, angry protests have broken out in recent days, while there have been incidents with fires, barricades and clashes with the police.

Vehicular traffic on the main road that runs through the city has been stopped from the height of Kolokotroni square, at the junction of Panagia Grigoroussa and Krystalli street, where variouw police units are operating along with drones, water cannon vehicles, and Fire trucks and have , according to information, have entered the surrounding narrows.

Photos from Zefyri

Dramatic night in Aspropyrgos

It is recalled that a fire broke out in a tire shop on NATO Avenue in Aspropyrgos late Wednesday night.

The fire due to the materials reached large proportions. 25 firefighters with 10 vehicles have rushed to the scene and are fighting the blaze.

Earlier, according to the Police, a break-in took place in this business, with the perpetrators removing a large number of tires. The theft was noticed at around 9pm by the store managers and they notified the police. A short time later the store was engulfed in flames. Arson is being investigated.

The break-in and subsequent fire may be related to the tension and incidents caused by Roma groups protesting police brutality following the serious injury of the 16-year-old to the head by a police bullet.

Message from 112

At 23.40, the Civil Protection activated an emergency alert via 112 due to the toxic fumes from the large fire at a tire business on NATO Avenue in Aspropyrgos.

The “extremely urgent notice” received by the residents of the areas states the following:

“If you are on NATO Avenue, Aspropyrgos area, take refuge in a closed building now. A fire has broken out in an outdoor tire warehouse. Smokes hazardous to health are released. Close doors and windows.”

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Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025