Four expressions of interest for privatization of Kalamata airport
The tender involves a long-term concession for the management, operation, exploitation, development, expansion and maintenance of the Kalamata airport
Four investment schemes have expressed an interest in a tender for the privatization of one of 23 regional airports around Greece remaining in state control, and specifically for the facility in the extreme southwest coastal city of Kalamata.
The tender involves a long-term concession for the management, operation, exploitation, development, expansion and maintenance of the Kalamata airport.
The four consortia expressing an interest are: GEK Terna S.A.-GMR Airports Ltd.; Mytilineos S.A.-Corporation America Airports S.A.; Egis Airport Operation-Aktor Concessions Single Member S.A.-Aéroports de la Cote d’Azur, and finally, Fraport AG-Delta Airport Investments S.A.-Pileas S.A.
Fraport AG, through its majority stake in the subsidiary Fraport Greece S.A., currently runs 14 regional airports around Greece with a long-term concession.
Τhe tender was commenced by the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP), the memorandum-mandated single institutional structure that contains significant Greek state assets.
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