Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
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An outbreak of the flu is coming after the holidays says docs union prez

An outbreak of the flu is coming after the holidays says docs union prez

Speaking on MEGA channel, the president of doctors’ union EINAP, Matina Pagoni, emphasized that on the days of the holidays, where there will be overcrowding, citizens should wear a mask

Matina Pagoni sounded the alarm about the explosive cocktail of flu, coronavirus and respiratory viruses.

Speaking on MEGA channel, the president of doctors’ union EINAP, Matina Pagoni, emphasized that on the days of the holidays, where there will be overcrowding, citizens should wear a mask, as well as take a coronavirus test before being at the festive table with relatives and friends.

“We will go to someone’s home, to meet with relatives and friends. It is good to have a test beforehand. You can have coronavirus, be asymptomatic and pass it on to others,” he said.

In particular, respiratory viruses afflict young children, with pediatric hospitals and clinics full.

Matina Pagoni warned that an outbreak of the flu is expected after the holidays, especially in the months of January and February.

As she emphasized, citizens should be careful and get the flu vaccine.

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Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2025