Greek Santa’s basket raises consumption
The “toy basket” increases shopping traffic – Business estimates
A new, richer “Santa’s basket” of more than 2,000 toys is expected on Wednesday, as the measure enters its third week of implementation.
Santa’s basket now includes 39 chains and individual stores with 1,963 toys, up from 32 chains with 1,560 toys when the measure premiered on December 14.
In fact, according to the Minister of Development and Investments, “price reductions in many games and no increase” are recorded from week to week.
It is recalled that the “Santa Claus basket“, which will be valid until January 11, 2023, includes 10 categories of toys: board games, puzzles, toys, dolls and other accessories, baby toys, action figures, construction toys with bricks, sports toys, balls, stuffed toys, musical toys, remote controlled and electric toys.
Two speeds
Although in the first two weeks of December the market was a bit numb, as shopkeepers from the toy sector tell OT, partly the “Santa’s basket”, and partly the fact that for the first time in two years consumers are returning without restrictions to stores of course, it seems that the best month of the year for toy stores will confirm its reputation this year as well.
It is noted that the holiday month contributes about 35-40% of the annual turnover of toy retail businesses.
The smaller purchasing movement in the previous weeks is attributed to the crisis in the cost of living that plagues households, but also to the increased purchases made during the “black” discount period (Black Friday).
However, the businessmen express the certainty that in the end the sign at registers will be positive.
The forecasts of the big players, such as the Jumbo chain, are equally optimistic. In particular, the listed company states that taking into account the data available so far and the dynamics presented by the sales of stores during the crucial month of December, which operate without last year’s restrictions related to Covid-19, the management estimates that the sales of December 2022 for the group will surpass the sales of December 2019.
“If this is confirmed, then it is estimated that the group’s sales for the whole of 2022 will show an increase of approximately 13% compared to 2021 or approximately 10% compared to 2019”, it is pointed out.
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