The mounting threat of climatic phenomena
As voters, citizens must pressure the political class and business elites to undertake initiatives to save the planet, which they have until now postponed due to the political cost.
It was not necessary for scientists to ring the alarm bell.
The Arctic cold that is sweeping the US and the spring-like weather we had in Greece over Christmas has made it perfectly clear that if Miami has lower temperatures than London at this time of year, climate change is definitely here.
Intense weather fronts that a few years ago seemed like a science fiction scenario today are an ominous reality. These changes in the climate can only presage an even worse near future if there is not a mobilisation of everyone – governments, industry, and citizens.
The scientific community has long been crying out that the median temperature in Europe has skyrocketed over at least the last 40 years.
The European continent is getting hotter more rapidly than any other and its residents can see the consequences with their own eyes.
It is part of their daily lives, not just a theory that pertains to a small circle of academics.
As voters, citizens must pressure the political class and business elites to undertake initiatives to save the planet, which they have until now postponed because they believe the political cost is unsustainable.
Environmental policies are no longer a luxury of concern only to those who have solved their financial needs, as in the past.
It is a necessity for each person’s survival.
Ta Nea
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