Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025
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Eva Kaili: “There will be important judicial developments in January”, says attorney

Eva Kaili: “There will be important judicial developments in January”, says attorney

What the lawyer from Brussels, Nikos Korogiannakis, reveals

Important judicial developments for Qatargate, the corruption scandal in the European Parliament, are expected in January.

They will also concern Eva Kaili, who is in pre-trial detention, accused like other high-ranking officials of bribery by the Qatari authorities. According to Brussels lawyer, Nikos Korogiannakis, the investigation by the Belgian authorities is progressing normally, and there will be new investigative procedures. Most likely – he noted – there are applications to lift the immunity of active MEPs.

There will be important judicial developments – What will happen to Kaili

As he explained, temporary detention in Belgium is valid for one month. This means that there must be a new meeting of the Judicial Council by January 22, and since January 22 is a Sunday, two or three days before that date there will be a review of the request, which is done ex officio.

“There is no need for an application by Eva Kaili and the others,” said Mr. Korogiannakis.

“The investigation is progressing normally. Mrs. Kaili was examined a second time. There will be new investigative procedures. In the meantime, the investigator is waiting for the extradition of the two arrested in Italy. There are probably requests to waive the immunity of sitting MEPs. There are three names that are circulating in the newspapers”, he emphasized, speaking to Greek state briadcaster ERT and continued:

“The European Parliament should do its internal procedure in January. Those who accept the lifting of their immunity, there is a possibility to complete the process in the January plenary session of the European Parliament. So there will be judicial developments in January, which will be important.”

Investigation into leaks

Regarding the leaks in the case, Mr. Korogiannakis emphasized, according to ertnews: “The federal prosecutor has started an investigation into the leak that has happened so far. My sense is that part of the leak is coming from Italy, where there are some defendants and lawyers.

“Let’s not forget that already from the third day of pre-trial detention there is access to the file by the lawyers of all those involved and the photos that have seen the light of day are obviously part of the file that has been leaked”.

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Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025