Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
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Olympiacos requested the immediate intervention of UEFA to put a stop to Bennett and EPO in the arbitration!

Olympiacos requested the immediate intervention of UEFA to put a stop to Bennett and EPO in the arbitration!

Olympiacos FC has called for the replacement of head referee Steve Bennett, or at the very least the appointment of an observer by UEFA who’ll prevent scandalous officiating errors, while pointing to an unprecedented deterioration in refereeing, replete with names and addresses, as well as serious dangers amid the final stretch of the Greek Super League championship and semi-finals Cup competition.

Olympiacos FC is continuing its own path towards decisive and real reform, clashing with a «system» that continues to undermine the very foundations of Greek professional football.

After heated reactions, conveyed in the most official manner, against the appointment of Ivan Kružliak as the referee for the Sunday derby between PAOK Thessaloniki and Olympiacos FC, the latter side also filed a complaint with UEFA regarding all of the outrageous actions that have taken place this season with refereeing.

According to reports, the “Reds” have sent a letter to UEFA Referees’ Committee chairman Roberto Rosetti requesting that the European football authority appoint a reliable observer, to whom Bennett must report, assuming the latter cannot be replaced as the head referee for Greece’s professional football league.

Olympiacos letter to UEFA

In the letter, Olympiacos FC officials reportedly place names and addresses next to the ills plaguing refereeing in Greek football, with the Piraeus club charging that this situation serves ulterior purposes – and with the main goal quite opposite from where football should be moving. The “Reds” present evidence to show that Bennett has failed in his position and should be immediately removed, or, have an observer overseeing him, someone who’ll prevent his scandalous behavior from continuing.

Among other points cited in the letter, Olympiacos refers to Bennett’s inability to appoint “elite class” referees from major European leagues in high-profile Super League matches, instead relying on referees from lesser European leagues over recent months – with the ultimate goal being the return of Greek referees to call Super League derbies.

The letter also refers to the Hellenic Football Federation’s (EPO) stance regarding the Super League’s proposal for professional referees and the importance of UEFA preventing Bennett’s and EPO’s plans, given that the league championship has entered its final stretch and the Cup tournament is in the semi-final round, with back-to-back derbies ahead.

Olympiacos FC makes it clear, in the letter, that if the 2022-23 season ends with such woeful officiating, then it’s absolutely certain that a massive outcry and reaction will occur. That’s why the club considers that it’s imperative for UEFA to intervene immediately to put an end to this charade.

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Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2025