Editorial Ta Nea: Limits
For the sake of our common future, candidates must not cross the thin, red line that separates a legitimate clash of views and policies from the cesspool of extreme polarisation.
Electoral periods in Greece were always toxic, according to MPs who have campaigned in many elections, and indeed they were.
Political parties, seeking as many seats as possible in Parliament, would resort to high-pitched rhetoric so that as many voters as possible would hear them.
Yet, polarising tactics must have a limit.
Tension is to some extent understandable.
Devotees of political realism may consider it necessary in order to rally a party’s base, butA recent history shows that this poses the danger of division, which everyone must avoid in every way.
The way SYRIZA cadres – and others, unfortunately – characterise their political opponents demonstrates that as elections approach, the level of toxicity increases.
Since it is most likely that two successive general elections will be held, the country must return to normalcy the very next day.
Everyone must realise that the more difficult the return, the worse future prospects will be for all of us.
For the sake of our common future, candidates must not cross the thin, red line that separates a legitimate clash of views and policies from the cesspool of extreme polarisation.
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