PM Mitsotakis: Growth plan for Western Macedonia envisages works worth 4 bln euros
The works will launch many new public and private investments
Visiting the town of Ptolemaida on Monday, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the ministers involved presented the government’s vision for growth in Western Macedonia, which envisages works amounting to 4.0 billion euros.
The works will change the aspect of the area and will set many and new public and private investments in motion, underlined Mitsotakis during the visit.
Addressing the citizens of Ptolemaida, Mitsotakis referred to the governmnent’s work, underlining: “We kept our key pledges. We raised the wages, we created new jobs, we made Greece safer and geopolitically stronger and, most importantly, we supported society when there were difficulties.”
The premier referred to his visit on Tuesday to the coal-fired power plant “Ptolemaida 5”, saying: “Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to attend the inauguration of the last big coal-burning unit at Ptolemaida 5, because lignite will be a strategic reserve for Greece. At the same time, the green transition, which we all know must inevitably become action, will be turned into action in an equitable way. In a way that is just and guarantees that Western Macedonia will have the lion’s share in terms of the incentives which will allow you to look to the future with optimism.”
Kozani General Hospital
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the ‘Mamatsion’ General Hospital in the city of Kozani on Monday.
Inspecting progress in the construction of a new wing, the premier noted that policies relating to “health will be a very big bet during our second four-year term,” as this is “very high on the government’s list of priorities.”
The new wing has a surface area of approximately 5,500 square meters, and will house the surgical and pathological clinic, with a capacity of 54 and 44 beds, respectively, together with auxiliary spaces. Over the next five years Kozani is expected to have a new hospital area total of approximately 21,700 square meters.
Earlier in the day Mitsotakis visited the new Kozani university campus, where he was presented with a hydrogen car by representatives of Hydrogen Europe that he drove to the regional authorities’ headquarters.
The manufacturers, a European association representing the interests of the hydrogen industry, count the Region of Western Macedonia among their members.
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