Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Alonissos: The No. 1 diving destination in the world

Alonissos: The No. 1 diving destination in the world

“It acts as a true siren for scuba divers,” writes National Geographic

Alonissos ranks first among the 50 most impressive and quality diving destinations around the world in a recent publication of a complete guide by National Geographic.

The guide entitled “A Diver’s Guide To The World” is the result of many years of research by distinguished authors who traveled all over the planet in order to come up with the 50 best.

Brits choose Alonissos as the best diving destination

In the list of recommended places, Alonissos, which is the only Greek destination, occupies the first place.

Other destinations

In addition, the list catalogues destinations from Australia, New Zealand, Mozambique, Philippines, Malta, France, Seychelles, Ecuador, Belize, Indonesia, Tanzania, Japan, United Kingdom, French Polynesia, Madagascar, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa, Chile, Curacao and many exotic islands.

“True Siren”

As mentioned in the guide, “Alonissos acts as a true siren for scuba divers. Here every dive has the authentic feeling of exploration, adventure and rejuvenation.”

At the same time, the writers who had visited the island as part of a journalistic mission of the US EOT Office in collaboration with the Municipality of Alonissos, highlighted the natural marine park, the walking routes, the local cuisine, but also the prospect of opening new underwater museums in Alonissos.

“We are building day by day the new identity of the island as a destination for diving and special forms of tourism. It is a justification that every year we gain impressions internationally and capture larger shares from foreign markets. It is no coincidence that until the end of August last season, Alonissos recorded an increase of approximately 9% compared to 2019 and 30% compared to 2021, while the traffic was maintained until the first days of October”, said the Mayor of Alonissos , Petros Vafinis.

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024