Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Alexis Georgoulis: One strike after another – Everyone is abandoning him, shocked by the allegations of rape

Alexis Georgoulis: One strike after another – Everyone is abandoning him, shocked by the allegations of rape

Alexis Georgoulis is accused of “serious criminal offences”, causing shock and outrage

Strong reactions – inside and outside main opposition SYRIZA party – exist after the announcement of the charges against Alexis Georgoulis. The MEP has been in the “crosshairs” after Eleni Chronopoulou’s complaint of rape and physical violence, as is perfectly reasonable.

The most recent development is that he was kicked out of the Eurogroup of the Left in the European Parliament.

“We take allegations extremely seriously and are committed to preventing and eliminating all forms of violence and harassment. We stand with all survivors of gender-based violence. We also consider the disclosure of the complainant’s personal information to the media unacceptable”, states the Eurogroup Left, which Alexis Georgoulis joined after his election in 2019.

He was “cast off” by party president Tsipras and party spokesperson Tsapanidou

The MEP was “cast off” by the most official lips of SYRIZA, president Alexis Tsipras and party press representative, Popi Tsapanidou.

It was in fact the leader of SYRIZA who had introduced him to the members and friends of SYRIZA, when the well-known actor had announced his candidacy with the official opposition party.

“Yesterday (i.e. Monday) there was an unpleasant surprise for us. Until yesterday, the SYRIZA MEP, Alexis Georgoulis, was accused of something very important. Everyone can be judged by the judiciary and has the assumption of innocence [until proven guilty],” said Mr. Tsipras.

He then added that: “But as far as we are concerned in issues related to sexual harassment, gender-based violence, violence against women, for us there are no ifs and buts, nor equal distances. We are and will always be with the victims. The message we sent was absolutely clear no tolerance, no cover-up, no shadows no matter how high someone is and whoever they are.”

Alexis Tsipras ended with a message mainly to those who have children. “To teach our children how to behave. To learn that the greatest value is dignity of human existence, which we must respect. And there is no place for violence. Not even tolerance fits in the face of violence. So justice everywhere.”

“He felt insulted” – He has been asked to hand over his seat

“The details of the woman were not leaked by us. The opposite is true! Mr. Georgoulis, in addition to the explanations he has to give to the court, should also give explanations to the people who voted for him. We asked for his seat back yesterday,” said Popi Tsapanidou, speaking to Live News at MEGA channel.

“It is not only unpleasant but also shocking, it has shocked us all and especially women. The story begins a little earlier. Yesterday (i.e. on Monday) it became known what exactly happened and after 15 minutes he was removed from SYRIZA and from the parliament. The reflexes are not self-evident but for us it was self-evident. We do not play with women and their rights”, Popi Tsapanidou stressed.

“The rumor Alexis Georgoulis’ behavior had circulated in June 2022 and by order of Tsipras the case was investigated until September. When we called him for an explanation, he denied what was attributed to him and even spoke of slander. This happened in 2022 and he even said it was about rumors and he even felt ‘offended’,” the spokesperson claimed.

“However, we did not stop there, we went to the competent services of the Parliament and did not get anything as these procedures are covered by secrecy. SYRIZA does not play with these issues. There was no complaint then. When the rumor became a complaint, then Mr. Georgoulis also left the party. If Mr. Georgoulis had been called to testify, then it would have been known to the Parliament as well. And the decision reached Parliament yesterday,” he added.

Eleni Chronopoulou’s first statement

Eleni Chronopoulou, the woman who has denounced Alexis Georgoulis, made her first statement about the case through a post. In it she states:

“3 years ago, at the beginning of 2020, I filed a complaint against a certain Greek MEP for the offenses of rape and causing bodily harm. I knew from the first moment that this process would possibly turn out to be painful for me, my family, my loved ones, as unfortunately very often happens with the victims of such behaviors. But I did it thinking that I owed it to myself and to every woman who might find herself in a similar position.

My complaint was filed the day after the incident, providing the necessary information (forensic reports, etc.) and 4 months later, in May 2020, I felt ready to give the name of the abuser to the Belgian authorities, who are the only ones responsible for handling the case.

“Following an official request from the Belgian authorities”

During these 3 years I have consciously chosen to deal with the matter only with my lawyers, without informing anyone else, not even my family whom I tried to protect in every way. The publicizing of the event at this particular time was made following the official request of the Belgian authorities to lift the MEP’s immunity after a thorough examination of the case.

Yesterday’s leak of my name was apparently done without my consent and is in itself a very serious violation of my privacy as well as of the criminal process. It is sad that some who pretend to be defenders of human rights, put me in the middle of vulgar and infuriating attacks , sacrifising me on the altar of political management, .

I am in politics to fight, through PASOK-KINAL, for my ideas and principles and I do not wish my public presence to be determined by this unpleasant, for me, case.

The time has come for the feeling of shame and guilt to fall not on the victims, but on the perpetrators of similar incidents and those who tolerate them.”

More charges?

After the announcement of the first complaint against Alexis Georgoulis and as time went on, rumors spread that there were other complaints against the MEP, one of which was from a young intern at the European Parliament.

But, as newspaper TA NEA’s criminal reporter, Vassilis Lambropoulos, pointed out, because there are no official legal documents, the specific complaint cannot be confirmed yet.

Alexis Georgoulis retorts

Alexis Georgoulis does not accept the accusations, while the lawyers who represent him also issued a statement. It states that:

“Mr. Georgoulis was informed on Holy Friday, April 14, 2023, by the Office of the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, regarding the request of the Brussels Prosecutor’s Office to lift his parliamentary immunity, following a complaint made against him and of which he had absolutely no knowledge.

On the same day, he responded, also requesting the lifting of his immunity, in order to speed up the procedures and clarify the case. On Monday, April 17, 2023, the similar announcement was made by the Bureau to the Plenary.

“He intends to cooperate actively”

Mr. Georgoulis officially and unequivocally denies the accusations leveled against him and he definitely wants all light to be shed on this case that has just been brought to his attention as soon as possible. He has complete confidence in the Belgian judicial system with which he intends to cooperate actively.

His Belgian lawyers, Me Cédric Vergauwen and Me Olivia Venet, have already been in contact with the investigator and will be in touch in due course regarding this case for which Mr Georgoulis is presumed innocent.

Until then, we cannot make any further statement beyond that of his innocence.

Attorneys at law

Me Cédric Vergauwen

Me Olivia Venet

Stamatina Malla”.

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Αδυνατούν να αγοράσουν ακίνητο οι νέοι – Τα δύο αγκάθια [πίνακες]

Οι νέοι στην Ελλάδα αδυνατώντας να αγοράσουν ακίνητο εγκαταλείπουν το πατρικό τους σπίτι μετά τα 30 χρόνια, ενώ στην Ε.Ε. το εγκαταλείπουν –κατά μέσο– όρο μετά τα 26

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Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024