Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Erdogan: New threats against Greece – “We will continue to upset those on the other side of the waters”

Erdogan: New threats against Greece – “We will continue to upset those on the other side of the waters”

Erdogan presented the Turkish 5th generation fighter on Monday

Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned to his (bad) old self, who, during his election campaign, launched new threats against Greece.

Presenting the Turkish 5th generation fighter jet yesterday, Erdogan spoke of Turkey’s new success and explained that “we will continue to upset those on the other side of the waters”.

Turkey at a crossroads

“If you notice, for every success of our country in the defense industry they [the opposition] are disturbed and so are others who are on the other side of the waters. But, do not misunderstand as we will continue to upset them as well as others who are on the other side of the waters. We are Turkey and the Turkish people,” Erdogan said.

The plan to replace the F16s with training aircraft

The Turkish president pointed out that Turkey plans to use Turkish made fighter jets instead of F16s, indicating that the neighboring country is not hoping for immediate approval of the sale of the jets from the US Congress, as SKAI channel’s correspondent reported. Continuing the threats, he asserted that the Turkish fighter “will launch its bombs and missiles at the enemy and return to its base without being noticed”. He was referring to lighte trainer/attack aircraft Hurjet.

“The Hurjet will train our pilots and when necessary it will equip itself and go to the battlefield. So the Hurjet will be with our own radars and with our own weapons and partially replace our F-16s.

Our fighter ‘Kaan’ is in front of us in all its glory. Soon this too will take off. Consider that it is such an aircraft that in a battlefield it will enter the nest of the enemy, without being detected by radar. It will open its weapons bay and launch its bombs and missiles at the enemy and return to its base undetected,” Erdogan said.

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024