Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Thessaloniki Metro: Video with the trial train run

Thessaloniki Metro: Video with the trial train run

From the construction point of view, the project will definitely be completed before the end of the year, Attiko Metro president Nikos Tachiaos wrote on Facebook

A video of the trial run of a Thessaloniki Metro train was made public, via Facebook, by the president of the constructor, Attiko Metro, Nikos Tachiaos.

It is, as it states, “about the movement of a train from Papafi Station to another station that captures how the network will work in a year when the project is completed and what the front passengers will see”.
Mr. Tachiaos states specifically in his post:

“It goes without saying that the Thessaloniki Metro would not be absent from the pre-election confrontation. There are more than a few who nullify the progress of the project and question whether it is in its completion phase. And of course, anything related to a project that is in its 18th year of construction is logically viewed with skepticism.

So because a picture is worth a thousand words, here is the video of the movement of the train which, during the 27th of November 2022, as part of the OPEN HOUSE, remained at the Papafi Station. Everything you see in it will form from time to time the living everyday life of the thousands of Thessalonians who will move through the tunnels.”

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Παρασκευή 03 Ιανουαρίου 2025