Greek Elections 2023: Electoral battle tops issue in international media
Among the first issues in the international news are the elections that are being held today in Greece
The elections in Greece dominated the attention of international media. Since morning, international networks have been transmiting all developments from the electoral process. From the first moment when the ballot boxes were opened to voters, the largest global networks of have been broadcasting, all developments from Greece and the electoral process.
“We have the prospect of the election being inconclusive and maybe having another vote later in the summer. Anyone sleeping around here was probably woken up by the church bells and that will bring more people to vote at this school during the day,” the BBC reported.
Reuters, which had cameras in various polling stations, broadcast live the vote of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Alexis Tsipras.
And Al Jazeera, in its online version, prepared a live broadcast on Greek election day. This means that it uploads the developments from Greece minute by minute.
“Politico” has the election as its first topic. The “Politico” site analyzes in every detail the factors that will determine the outcome of today’s elections and lists the scenarios for the next day.
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According to the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior, 31.52% of those registered in 16,520 polling stations have voted so far in the elections.
“We decided to give the second announcement once and for all, where approximately 80% of the electoral divisions participate in it,” said the Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Michalis Stavrianoudakis.
Elections 2023: What time will the exit poll come out?
At 19.00 in the afternoon, the first, joint big exit poll is expected to be published on the Greek private television networks. Polling companies will attempt to measure the ranking and percentages the parties have received.
The first official assessment of the election result is expected earlier than any other time. According to SingularLogic within just 90 minutes from the moment the polls close, at 20:30 we will have the first estimate.
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