Greek Elections 2023: Tsipras takes responsibility for defeat, apologizes, pledges to fight
He spoke of a painful shock stressing that “I’m afraid that the result is painful for society as well”
Immediately after the meeting he had with the President of the Republic regarding the investigative mandate which he did not accept, the president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, made statements taking responsibility for the defeat in the May 21 elections.
He spoke of a painful, unexpected, shock even stressing that “I am afraid that the result is painful for society as well, even for those who voted for New Democracy, as associations are formed which, if repeated in the next elections of the enhanced proportional representation, will create suffocating conditions for Democracy”.
The omnipotence, he added, and indeed “of a government whose behavior in the first four years showed that it does not respect the rule of law, democracy, or pluralism. So imagine an all-powerful, uncontrollable, ruling prime minister.”
So, he added, that’s the big issue. “Let’s see how we can prevent the repetition of these associations in the next election.
“As far as we are concerned, we will deal with the wounds of society. The wounds of SYRIZA are a given. We have no choice but to stand on our feet. Victories have many fathers, defeat only one” he said in addition.
“I take full responsibility. And that means I will stand and fight” he emphasized and apologized “to the people we hurt”.
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