The Inter-Party Committee is meeting on the subject of examining objections to rejection decisions for registration in the special expat electoral rolls. The meeting will be held at the Ministry of the Interior and the committee in question was established on Monday, by a relevant decision of the Minister of the Interior.

The Minister of the Interior participates in the Committee, as chair, who is replaced in case of absence or impediment, in accordance with par. 1f of the preamble hereof, by the General Secretary of the Interior and Organization, Michalis Stavrianoudakis.

Committee responsibilities

The Committee has decisive authority and its task is to examine objections to negative decisions on registration in the special foreign electoral rolls, for which the procedure of par. 5 of article 2 of Law 4648/2019 was not followed, to check specific applications at the request of a member or members of the Commission, as well as the sample control of the applications that were accepted according to par. 3 of the above article.

The task of the Committee’s Secretariat is the preparation of proposals, the receipt and transmission of applications, the keeping of minutes, the filing and classification of all the Committee’s documents as well as any other work required for its smooth operation.