Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Earthquake in Atalanti: North Evia beach “submerged” [pics-vid]

Earthquake in Atalanti: North Evia beach “submerged” [pics-vid]

The landscape on the coast of Myrlos at Yaltra changed after the earthquake in Atalanti

The 4.8 Richter earthquake that occurred in Atalanti at noon on Thursday, June 8 changed the landscape of a beach in North Evia.

Specifically, according to photos published by the local site diavlosnews.gr, due to the earthquake, part of the beach suffered subsidence, as a result of which the “nose” that formed on the coast of Myrlos of Yalta collapsed.

The Mayor of Istiaea Edipsos, Yiannis Kontzias, in his statement says: ¨” With today’s earthquake, the beach at Mylos at Gialtra suffered subsidence. Coordinating with the port master L. Edipsos and after our communication with the Hellenic Authority for Geological and Mining Research-IGME, we were informed about the existence of a fault and the possible underwater landslide of the sand deposits. Services will carry out spot check.

Αποκλειστικό – O σεισμός ΑΛΛΑΞΕ ΤΟ ΤΟΠΙΟ στο Μύλο Γιάλτρων

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Θρυλική καρδιά ο Σέστιτς!

Ο παλιός άσος του Ολυμπιακού και του Ερυθρού Αστέρα αναρρώνει μετά την πετυχημένη μεταμόσχευση καρδιάς στην οποία υποβλήθηκε αφού η ζωή του ήταν σε άμεσο κίνδυνο

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Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024