Greek Tourism: Astypalea at the top of the alternative destinations
The tribute typically states that “when many think of vacations, Greece with its thousands of islands in the Ionian and Aegean Seas unfolds first in their mind’s eye”
The Observer newspaper is calling on British travelers to prefer Greek destinations this year over others.
The tribute typically states that “for many when they think of vacations, Greece with its thousands of islands in the Ionian and Aegean Seas unfolds first before their mind’s eye. However, we are not here to reminisce once more about the alleyways of Mykonos and Santorini. It is now time to set aside the usual tourist paths and reveal the shy charm of the hidden Greek hideouts”.
Among the 13 Aegean and Ionian islands, Astypalaia tops the Observer’s list. According to the columnist, Astypalaia is “a butterfly-shaped jewel of the Aegeanwas once an incognito locale within Greece’s island lineup. ”
Today, it flutters under the radar of even the most savvy travelers, though it’s easily accessible via daily flights from Athens.
Regarding the new distinction, the Mayor of Astypalaia, Nikos Komineas, stated that “Astypalaia, in a unique way, evolves and at the same time maintains its authenticity unchanged.
Through coordinated actions, we move forward dynamically on the path of sustainability, showing at an international level how to preserve your heritage and the natural environment with tactics of the future.
Through the program “Astypalaia: Smart and Sustainable Island” which is implemented in collaboration with the Greek Government and the WV group, electric mobility, digital systems, green energy and infrastructure projects gain a basis and become the components that make the new vision of Astypalaiaa, deed.
The number of electric vehicles is increasing on a continuous basis in both the business and private sectors.
At the same time, the Astybus and Astygo services which operate through the Astymove electronic application create a new dynamic in the movement of tourists and residents, covering in a sustainable way the needs of movement on the island of Astypalaia.
At the same time, the creation of a hybrid renewable energy station in Astypalaia is expected with the aim of meeting 80% of the island’s energy needs from clean energy sources. For this summer, the Aegean butterfly is moving at a high rate, attracting increased travel flows from abroad.”
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