Greek Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, who attended his first Eurogroup and Ecofin meetings this week in Brussels after assuming the post, pledged that the country will remain on the path of fiscal stability and “will implement, with determination” necessary reforms.

The new Greek FinMin presented the government’s economic priorities to his Eurozone counterparts, among others, maintaining fiscal stability focusing, reducing tax-evasion and better exploiting public assets.

“After the general election result we have a historic window of opportunity, which we’re “Greece is no longer the ‘black sheep’ of Europe and everyone talks positively about the country’s progress over the last four years. I presented the priorities of our economic policy and made clear our commitment to continue reforms, with the aim to have a more dynamic, productive and exports-based Greek economy, which will create conditions so no one is left behind. Regarding a revision of fiscal rules, our position is that ensuring fiscal stability is absolutely necessary, but not to the extent that it undermines Europe’s economic growth. At the same time, necessary flexibility is required to deal with external crises, like the ones we faced in recent years”.