The vital role played by small-scale fishing for the Greek economy and regional prosperity, as it represents more than 90% of Greek-flagged vessels, will be mentioned by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Lefteris Avgenakis, at the informal Council of Ministers of the European Union that begins today in Vigo, Spain.

At the same time, he will talk about the serious issues facing the Mediterranean countries, with sea bass and lionfish, and will propose that this specific issue be one of the main topics of discussion at the next meeting.

Need to shield financial viability of the fishing fleet

One issue that the competent minister will focus on is the need to protect the economic viability of the European Union’s fishing fleet, in the context of which he will highlight the importance of better understanding and respect for the social and economic impacts of the affected productive entities on a case-by-case basis at the level of a member state , before adopting new measures or policies.

Mr. Avgenakis will finally emphasize the need for institutional changes in order to achieve the European Union’s decarbonization goal, including a review of the capacity ceilings set in the Common Fisheries Policy.