Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025
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Several major wildfires in Greece over last 2 days amid hot, arid and windy conditions

Several major wildfires in Greece over last 2 days amid hot, arid and windy conditions

The worst blaze erupted over the weekend and continued to rage on Monday in the extreme northeast corner of the country, in the wider vicinity of the port city of Alexandroupolis

Several major wildfires were active throughout Greece on Monday, mostly in the north, a departure from previous such emergencies, which were located in the southern half of the east Mediterranean country.

The worst blaze erupted over the weekend and continued to rage on Monday in the extreme northeast corner of the country, in the wider vicinity of the port city of Alexandroupolis, and specifically in the well-known Dadi Forest. Gale force winds were blowing in the country on Monday amid hot and arid conditions, while authorities were on full alert given that some 15 blazes were recorded in the wider region, raising fears of arson. Multiple wildfires were reported around the country.

Other serious wildfires erupted in the Rhodopi prefecture, in northeast Greece, north of the port city of Kavala, in south-central Viotia prefecture and in north-central Evia Island, near the harbor town of Psahna.

Residents of more than a dozen settlements in the southern Evros prefecture were evacuated, while a camping grounds on the Corinth Gulf, in Viotia prefecture, was also evacuated as flames burned several vehicles and RVs there.

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Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025