Σάββατο 01 Μαρτίου 2025
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Enterprise Greece: Innovative new tools at the service of Greek exporters

Enterprise Greece: Innovative new tools at the service of Greek exporters

Last year, Greek export companies achieved another record

2022 was a landmark year as it marked the gradual but steady return to normalcy after a long and difficult period in global becoming.

Last year, Greek export companies achieved another record, increasing by 36.7% from 2021, to 54.68 billion euros. More generally, in the three-year period 2020-22, the course of our exports was continuously upward, recording an impressive overall increase of 78%, an upward course that seems to continue in 2023. According to Hellenic Statistical Authority-EL.STAT data, the total value of goods exports for the seven-month period January-July 2023 excluding petroleum products, increased by 4.3% from the same period in 2022.

Undoubtedly, this impressive performance of Greek exports are the result of a collective and coordinated effort of Greek business – an effort in which Enterprise Greece – the national body for attracting investment and promoting exports, under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – actively participates and contributes .

The purpose of Enterprise Greece is twofold. On the one hand, the attraction of investments and the promotion of Greece as an investment destination and on the other hand, the promotion of Greek businesses and their products on the global market. It is a unique organization that functions as a one-stop shop for extroversion with a holistic approach. That is why it provides Greek exporters with comprehensive support for the promotion of their products and services in international markets, thus strengthening the brand name of Greece abroad.

In this context, the Company has designed and provides an integrated, coherent program of services, actions and tools, which meets the needs of our export businesses and focuses on the provision of services, through three pillars:

Networking: refers to specialized services for networking Greek export companies with foreign buyers and consumers, through their participation, and/or more generally national participation in international trade fairs, global events as an opportunity to promote the country, business missions, digital/hybrid platforms, specialized events, as well as B2Bs meetings. Exhibition participation is always framed by promotion and networking actions, in order to maximize the effect of the participation of exporting companies. For example, last year Enterprise Greece organized and supported the national stand with the Greek mission at 33 International Trade Fairs for all export sectors, while it organized 10 business missions. These actions were implemented in more than 15 countries, on 4 continents, with over 1 billion potential buyers and consumers, while over 80,000 business contacts (B2Bs) were made for our exporting companies.

Training and Empowerment: refers to training, empowerment and skills upgrading programs in specialized topics implemented through the Enterprise Greece Exports Academy and addressed to all exporting or potentially exporting companies. In addition, export acceleration programs are implemented for innovative companies that wish to penetrate international markets. Through our Academy, recently 2 cycles of export and cross-cultural seminars have already been implemented, with the participation of 400 trainees from 229 companies, while at the same time various export seminars were organized in collaboration with Regions and Chambers.

Consulting and Information: refers to the management and processing of requests from exporting companies through personalized consulting sessions for new and/or potential exporters, as well as information services and events, through which useful and valid information is provided on strategic markets – targets and specific industries/products . Last year alone, Enterprise Greece managed over 900 export business requests, from 28 industries involving 61 countries, while holding 59 personalized counseling sessions for new exporters.

Enterprise Greece does not rest and explores innovative actions to promote Greek products and services. Its new service that will be announced in November is called Export Help Desk and it concerns an innovative online platform that is put at the service of Greek exporters. The Export Help Desk aims to inform our exporting businesses with useful information about their export business, such as: procedures, markets, export dynamics, import status and regulations and additional δατα of importers and distributors abroad, in order for Greek companies to strengthen their global presence. In essence, it is a) a modern online consulting service but also b) a source of information for Greek exporting and potential exporting companies that offers information through alternative channels (telephone, email, web interface, electronic forms, etc.), drawing data of the International Trade Center (ITC), Eurostat, ELSTAT and well-known databases (Kompass, Hoovers, Kompass Public Tenders, Euromonitor-Passport and Export Potential Map), which he processes and draws useful conclusions in the form of desk research .

In order to inform the Greek exporting companies regarding the new service, outreach events are planned in five major cities of our country, in cooperation with the competent Agencies, Associations and Chambers.

Enterprise Greece supports the efforts of Greek companies to internationalize and promote their products and services in all corners of the world, through our strong network of contacts at national and international level, our long-standing know-how and innovative tools and our services.

Betty Alexandropoulou is an Authorized Advisor- Executive member of the Board of Directors. Enterprise Greece

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Σάββατο 01 Μαρτίου 2025