Αpair of relavant ministers this week announced the forthcoming tabling of more legislation regulating short-term rental properties, i.e.  AirBnB-style leasings. The draft legislation, if ratified, will introduce minimum operational standards and safety requirements that property owners will be required to meet, according to the government’s latest initative regarding the booming sector.

Among others, the law foresees legal obligations for property owners offering short-term rentals, focusing on health, safety and operational guidelines. These provisions include requirements for minimum accommodation size, a ban on underground lodgings, fire safety protocols, mandatory disinfection and liability insurance.

The framework will be developed and based on recommendations by the Hotel Chamber of Greece and the Short-Term Rental Association. The influential hotel chamber, which in the past has called for stricter regulation of a now rival and growing sector, has proposed the following guidelines:

• Full property rentals will be required.
• Room rentals will only be allowed in the owner’s primary residence, and the owner must be present.
• Minimum space: 12 square meters for a room, and 25 square meters for an apartment or house.
• Properties must have natural light, ventilation, and either heating or air conditioning.
• Underground and semi-underground accommodations will be prohibited.
• A maximum of eight rooms per property, with occupancy limits based on sleeping spaces (two beds per bedroom).
• Certification of hygiene and fire safety by a civil engineer.
• Liability insurance.
• For apartments in multi-story buildings, elevator certification for professional use will be mandatory.

What is more, on its behalf the Short-Term Rental Association agrees with the introduction of minimum operational standards and safety conditions, further recommending additional measures such as:

• Mandatory presence of fire extinguishers.

• Clear signage for emergency exits.

• First-aid kits with regular restocking every six months, along with checks before each check-in.

• Mandatory disinfection of the property, with visible certification.

The association also highlighted that while disinfection within individual apartments is important, it does not fully address the challenges posed by shared spaces in multi-story buildings.
These regulations aim to enhance safety and standardize conditions across short-term rentals, ensuring a more consistent and secure experience for guests.

Source: tovima.com