Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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English edition

Stream English edition

Economist: Greece is a 2022 economic winner

The economy parties in the Mediterranean and the “pleasant surprises” – The best and worst performing countries


Sitecore opens new offices in Athens

The new offices are part of Sitecore’s $1.2 billion global investment plan that began in January 2021


Editorial Ta Nea: Justice

The leaders of the Roma communities must consider their responsibilities and not allow scenes of destruction to besmirch the image of all people who speak Romani.


Greek PM Mitsotakis: Close to an agreement for natural gas cap

The Prime Minister emphasized that Europe must send a clear signal to the markets and Russia that the instrumentalization of natural gas at the expense of European citizens and businesses will not be tolerated


Editorial Ta Nea: Post haste

Europe has a duty to assume its responsibilities regarding energy and to send clear messages to the EU’s citizens, who have quite a few reasons to view Brussels with suspicion.


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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025