Σάββατο 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
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English edition

Stream English edition

An end to the abuse of Chrissi island

The overnight stay of visitors on the island will be allowed only in cases of exclusion due to weather conditions.


Editorial Ta Nea: Doctrines

In the name of his predecessor's 'America First' doctrine, US President Joe Biden decided to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan without consulting with America’s allies, and he signed the AUKUS agreement with the UK and Australia without briefing France and the rest of the EU.


Erdogan lays out views on Cyprus Problem, Mediterranean, Aegean at UN General Assembly

Though Erdogan’s rhetoric was diplomatic, a far cry from his and his ministers’ frequent outbursts of late against Greece and Cyprus, he clearly articulated his core claims, which have been rejected by strong geopolitical players – the UN, the US, the EU, and Russia - as violating international law.


Rocket – Signs indefinite contracts with distributors

Following the uproar caused by Efood over its distributors’ contracts and the offer of freelancers in delivery, Rocket announced that it was creating 500 new jobs


Mount Olympus officially named “national park”

The Presidential Decree for the protection of the mythical mountain was published ten years late. The country’s first national park acquires a “grid” of protection


Prem Watsa is coming to Athens

The Indian-born head of the Canadian Fairfax group is expected to meet with the Prime Minister


Mount Olympus officially named “national park”

The Presidential Decree for the protection of the mythical mountain was published ten years late. The country’s first national park acquires a “grid” of protection


Greek yogurt “conquers” Germany

21% increase in Greek exports in five years in a market where per capita consumption reaches 15 kg per year


Dendias – Contacts on the first day of the 76th UN General Assembly

Nikos Dendias, on the first day of his participation in the 76th UN General Assembly, had a series of contacts to promote our positions in countries with which there are no frequent contacts – Information on the unacceptable behavior of Turkey.


Editorial Ta Nea: Reminder

Social services and their employees, as well as care-givers who stand by the side of Alzheimer's patients and their families, step-by-step, must work with and for these families, offering practical support and assistance. We as a society must also be here for them.


Stournaras – GDP growth will exceed 6%

The Governor of the Bank of Greece estimates that Greece will maintain high growth rates of 3.5% per year for the next 10 years


Editorial Ta Nea: A return to the past

As for Mr. Tsipras' commitment that he will form a “progressive government”, it comes across as provocative when coming from a person who for four years ruled with the [right-wing populist] Independent Greeks party as his junior coalition partner.


Editorial To Vima: Prices and wages

The issue for Greece is that these international inflationary pressures come at a time that the economy is recovering from a long crisis. Any inflationary disruption could impede or limit the wave of rebirth and reconstruction of the country.


ATHEX – General Index – Technical image

Strong recovery at the end of the session, against the background of the restructuring in the MSCI indices. The negative climate in international markets is a black spot, .


Editorial Ta Nea: Normalcy

The government, is obliged to disburse the “social dividend” that it has promised, and proceed with implementing the reforms on the basis of which it was elected. It must manage the problems that exist in the daily lives of citizens, as must anyone who rules.


Major push by education, health ministries to vaccinate school students

'The best thing we can do is to combine wearing masks and frequent testing in order to ensure that schools will open with the greatest possible degree of safety, but they must be augmented by a rise in the rate of vaccination.,' the PM said.


Nine expressions of interest for major stake of Heraklion Port Authority on Crete

Greece’s privatization agency, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), on Friday announced that nine interested parties submitted an expression of interest for the acquisition of a majority stake of at least 67 percent of the Heraklion (Irakleio) Port Authority


Pandemic – What do infection specialists expect for the end of September?

Professor Vana Papaevangelou, in the context of regular information, appealed to those who remain unvaccinated to hurry, while calling for the attention of citizens who do not comply with protection measures, especially when they are among people who are not vaccinated or are at high risk groups.


President of hospital doctors – We will all get a third dose of vaccine

After the immunosuppressed and health professionals, priority for the third dose will be “those who were vaccinated in January and February”, while Ms. Pagoni estimated that the third dose will be after 6-8 months after the completion of the vaccination – Aggressive Delta mutation to the children


Racism against refugee children fuels the far-right

We believed that a large proportion of refugees and migrants had been integrated in Greek society, or at least that the mature segment of society had exhibited tolerance, sympathy, empathy, and compassion for people who had literally been persecuted and were hungry, destitute, and chased.


ELSTAT – Reduction by 87.5% to museum visitors in the first five months of 2021

Only the country’s museums operated for 18 calendar days in May this year, as they had suspended their operation from March 14, 2020 to June 16, 2020 and gradually from November 1, 2020 to May 13, 2021, in implementation of measures to address the pandemic


ATHEX – Steady rise

The General Index is faithful to the movement between 900 – 910 points


RND – The Greek economy is taking off

The main driving forces of growth are the increasing investments and the rise of tourism.


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Σάββατο 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024