Παρασκευή 28 Μαρτίου 2025
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alexis tsipras

Όλα τα άρθρα του tag alexis tsipras

Editorial Ta Nea: Polakisism

The balance of the election and the fear of electoral losses due to Polakis prodded the entire SYRIZA party and its Political Secretariat unanimously to embrace him once again.


Editorial Ta Nea: Political polarisation

Citizens be more interested in the cost of living than the machinations of a former minister or the wiretapping of the phone of a party leader, but affairs often follow their own rules.


Editorial: The death of a journalist

The death of renowned journalist and publisher Stavros Psycharis formally signals the end of an era, or at least of a circle of “press people” who changed Greek journalism and wielded political influence.


Editorial Ta Nea: Populism

The current major geopolitical and economic challenges have unfortunately once again brought populism to the fore in many Western societies.


Editorial Ta Nea: Political capital

SYRIZA is a large party and its leadership intends to restructure it, in order to increase its prospects of coming to power and in order to abandon foolishness, verbalism, and grandiose rhetoric.


Op-Ed: Show duels

Will Syriza continue with the same opposition tack as it has adopted so far, and if so what would be the purpose of a debate? What is the special circumstance that would vanish after a single debate?


Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunity in centrist politics

As long as SYRIZA continues to appeal mainly to the emotions of the public, both PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis and centre-left KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis have an opportunity to gain ground among centrist voters.


Editorial Ta Nea: Memory and stability

It would be a welcome change as if those who bear responsibility for tragedies in which many people died when they were in power [SYRIZA], and for an ensuing cover-up operation, exhibited greater self-awareness and modesty.


Editorial Ta Nea: Maturation

The dysfunction and acrobatics of SYRIZA is due to the party’s being out of touch with the contemporary needs of Greek society. It often seems entrenched in skirmishes between closed groups and factions that are reminiscent of a bygone era.


Editorial Ta Nea: Obligations

SYRIZA’s spokesman reiterated proposals for a minimum wage hike, lowering the special consumption tax, and intervention in the pricing of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) in order to stem inflation.


Government accuses Tsipras of politically exploiting COVID-19 pandemic deaths

Government spokesman Yannis Economou charged that SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras is trying to shift the political agenda, as he has decided that SYRIZA on 7 October will not vote to ratify the recent Greece-France strategic partnership agreement unless it is revised, which is out of the question.


Editorial Ta Nea: A return to the past

As for Mr. Tsipras' commitment that he will form a “progressive government”, it comes across as provocative when coming from a person who for four years ruled with the [right-wing populist] Independent Greeks party as his junior coalition partner.


Editorial Ta Nea: Grey zones

The debate that was triggered yesterday by the conviction of Golden Dawn as a criminal organisation once again highlights the grey zones in which Mr. Tsipras’ government operated.


Editorial To Vima: Alexis the small

Alexis Tsipras is attempting to organise an autarchic party with a hegemonic leader along the lines of Pasok’s model of governance in the 1980’s under Andreas Papandreou.


Editorial Ta Nea: Self-criticism

A courageous and bold party should not have needed [SYRIZA MP and ex-education minister] Nikos Filis to defend its history.


Editorial To Vima: The dark side of our democracy

Certain groups and networks undoubtedly acted in an extra-institutional manner, set up cases and blackmail, manufactured guilty persons, and sought to place liens and to take people hostage – to neutralise people they wanted as potential competitors for power.


Editorial Ta Nea: Opposition

The programme presented by Mr. Tsipras yesterday at Zappeion Hall in Athens is an exercise in readiness and an act that entails responsibilities to the Greek people.


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Παρασκευή 28 Μαρτίου 2025