Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025
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Όλα τα άρθρα του tag erdogan

Editorial To Vima: Tayyip Erdogan’s slippery slope

Does Turkey truly want to attack Greece militarily, or simply to drag it into a comprehensive negotiation based on its demands from a position of power, after a controllable military clash?


Editorial: Composure in dealing with Turkey

Mitsotakis addressed the Turkish people directly, highlighting the importance of peace and harmonious co-existence, so that his message would reach Turkish society unfiltered, through the social media.


Editorial To Vima: Message of deterrence to Turkey

Turkey is dangerously escalating tensions, its aggressive rhetoric is spinning out of control, and it behaves as if it is preparing military operations against Greece.


Editorial Ta Nea: Realism needed in dealing with Turkey

Athens must prepare for the prospect of Ankara broadening its alliances and of Erdogan being re-elected to yet another five-year term, as even if he loses, Turkey’s policy toward Greece will not change radically.


Editorial Ta Nea: Erdogan’s multiple fronts

Erdogan is stepping up his attacks against Greece by disputing international treaties, exploiting the refugee issue, and going as far as to characterise our country as a “safe haven for terrorists”.


Editorial Ta Nea: Compusure

The Greek side is obliged to be, as it is, in a constant state of readiness, and to combine a clear and fine line of composure with a firm demonstration of decisiveness.


Editorial Ta Nea: A serious mistake

Erdogan believes that he can achieve his ambitions by blackmailing NATO, invading Syria, threatening Greece, and sending drill ships to the Mediterranean, but he is making a serious mistake.


Op-ed: Abdul Hamid Khan – the sultan and the drill

Even if the international community would not tolerate a Turkish provocation in the Eastern Mediterranean, given the current confluence of events, we should not remain complacent.


Editorial Ta Nea: Geopolitical shifts

In this fluid political terrain, it is important for Greece to maintain clear judgment and calm and make strategic choices, monitoring changes without compromising its values.


Editorial Ta Nea: The message

Erdogan believes that the leaders of Sweden and Finland can “commit themselves” to extradite Kurdish and Turkish expats granted asylum whom he accuses of terrorism.


Editorial To Vima: Turkey is playing with fire

Turkey is a dangerous, revisionist power, and it is not just Erdogan. The country’s entire political establishment espouses the same aggressive claims against Greece.


Editorial To Vima: Straight talk

Turkey's autocratic leader is an exponent of contemporary revisionism and cannot understand that Ankara cannot have its cake and eat it.


Op-Ed To Vima: Erdogan spins out of control

It has been apparent for some time now that the 'new sultan' of Ankara, in his effort to divert the attention of Turkish citizens from the continually worsening economic situation, has adopted a two-pronged approach to foreign policy.


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Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025