Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2025
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Όλα τα άρθρα του tag erdogan

Editorial Ta Nea: Trap

The leadership change in the US and the fluid situation in the Southeastern Mediterranean aggravated the problems posed by Erdogan and that creates the prospect of our country falling into a trap.


Editorial Ta Nea: Equation

In Turkey, his sacking of his son-in-law and finance minister, Berat Albayrak, showS that Edogan will not hesitate to sacrifice even family members in order to stay in power.


Editorial Ta Nea: Our European way of life

As many times as one may shout Allahu Akbar before a cold-blooded murder in Europe they will never be able to win the jihad that they have declared.


Editorial Ta Nea: Persistence

Each time Erdoagn pushed the envelope a bit further because he knew that although Greece was complaining strongly the EU would not significantly change its posture.


Editorial Ta Nea: Turkey is now international problem

If Donald Trump is defeated in next week’s US presidential elections Ankara may well escalate its provocations in the Eastern Mediterranean in order to instigate a military incident.


Editorial Ta Nea: New realities in Cyprus

Right after his election incoming Turkish-Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar dismissed the prospect of a federation (which the UN and the two sides had supported) and declared he wants a two-state solution.


Editorial Τa Nea: The only course

Instead of negotiating, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan decided to directly provoke Greece by sending the research vessel Oruc Reis to the Aegean.


Editorial To Vima: Time to shed delusions about Erdogan

To justify his military intervention on many fronts Erdogan says that he is is guided by the Ottoman past, but he is in fact reviving the catastrophic, expansionist Nazi theory of lebensraum.


Editorial Ta Nea : Endurance test

Recently Turkey’s interlocutors and allies have sent Ankara strongly critical signals such as having top officials visiting the region without going to Turkey.


Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunity

If the Greek government plays its cards right and remains calm it can win over even those countries in the EU which at the previous summit refused to draft a list of possible sanctions against Turkey


Editorial Ta Nea: A crucial contest

The outcome of the election in Turkish-occupied Cyprus will have an impact beyond Cyprus and above all on the climate in Greek-Turkish relations.


Editorial To Vima: Erdogan is not invincible

Turkey demands the demilitarisation of the Greek Aegean islands so as to transform them into a “neutral zone”. He intimates that sovereignty over the tiny Greek island of Kastelorizo is disputable


Editorial To Vima: Europe is not just France

Only France is stepping forward to staunchly and with clear judgment support Greece’s just positions. Other EU countries, however, are not doing their part as their interests have led them to adopt a neutral stance.


Editorial Ta Nea: An historic agreement

The second parameter of the Greece-Italy EEZ agreement is the content of the agreement – the right of islands to have sea zone


Editorial To Vima: Erdogan’s conceit

In the pre-coronavirus period he unsuccessfully tried to open many fronts at once but did not achieve the victories that as self-styled sultan he very much desired.


Editorial: One-way street

The prospect of Turkey exporting its internal problems - whether by sending into Greece’s or Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic zones a hydrocarbons research vessel or by creating strong migrant flows toward Greece - is not unlikely.


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Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2025