Editorial Ta Nea: Changes
Within the UK, one already hears more loudly the voices of those who demand a thorough audit of the finances of the Windsors and a reduction of the amount of the Sovereign Grant.
Within the UK, one already hears more loudly the voices of those who demand a thorough audit of the finances of the Windsors and a reduction of the amount of the Sovereign Grant.
In terms of efforts to commit Turkey to a specific framework for dialogue, it is mandatory that we not squander opportunities when they arise.
The numbers demonstrate that the Italian political crisis could destabilise the entire eurozone at an exceptionally critical moment, with many open fronts.
'We encourage our NATO Allies, including Greece and Turkey, to work together to maintain peace and security in the region and resolve differences diplomatically.'
This war will define the new geopolitical architecture of Europe. Through the drama of Ukraine and the trials and tribulations of its people, the West is being put to the test.
The US is leading the entire effort in Ukraine, but the Americans are 5,000 miles from the theatre of military operations, and the Europeans will necessarily face most of the consequences of the war.
The Russian president must understand that the cost of trampling over treaties and international law is greater than the benefits yielded by the conquest of territory or the destruction of a country
In a line from the French presidential debate that will be long remembered, about Marine Lepen taking out a loan from a Russian bank, Macron said that when she speaks to Russia, she speaks to her banker.
Poland is now grappling with over two million refugees (1.7mn Ukrainian citizens) that have crossed from Ukraine to Poland since the 24 February Russian invasion, and is expecting prompt EU assistance.
The responsibility for dealing with the current economic situation is not only Greek, but also EU-wide, as during the years of the pandemic the Union appeared to comprehend that harsh fiscal rules are not always a prescription for success.
EU cohesions depends on the protection of the Union’s citizens. The need to find ways to de-link geopolitical fluidity from the welfare of citizens in their daily lives is a major challenge for the European family.
The EU’s determination to vastly reduce and ultimately eliminate dependency on Russian gas and oil is part of the broader framework of its aim of becoming a green superpower.
The EU’s determination to vastly reduce and ultimately eliminate its dependence on Russian gas and oil is part of the broader framework of its aim of becoming a green superpower.
Sergey Lavrov's message to the international community was that Russia will not tolerate an eastern expansion of NATO or the deployment of nuclear weapons near its borders, and that it will not be told how to defend its security.
Greece must be exceedingly careful. It must not sever lines of communication and should play an important role in the effort to establish peace and stability.
Greece, utilising its historic ties with Russia and given its role as a state at the core of the Western camp, can be one of the countries that contribute to stability.
Greece must now ask itself, under new conditions, what made it strong after the 1974 post-junta regime change, and what can make it even stronger today. In any event, it is not the relationship with the US, as important as it may be.
What happens in the immediate future is of exceptional importance in the development of the Ukrainian crisis, as every party is weighing its moves and is gauging how much room there is to avert a prospective major energy crisis.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kosovo asks Athens to play a mediating role in the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, while emphasisng her country’s Western orientation.
Greece is a peaceful Western country, but without being pliant and complaisant. Through deterrence and decisiveness it sends the analogous signals. Through constant diplomatic pressure, it reminds one that Greece’s borders are the EU’s borders.
Turkey is already a quasi-regional power, despite it great economic problems. It aims to become something more – perhaps a hegemonic power in the regional system and beyond, and naturally it provokes Greece’s righteous indignation.
At a time when a series of issues remain open, Greece and Russia have a certain osmosis that will continue with cooperation and communication.
It remains to be seen what will be the policy of the new German government, after the departure of Angela Merkel and the appointment of the Green party’s Annalena Baerbock as the country’s foreign minister.
'With Spain, Germany, and other countries involved in arms deals with Turkey, it would be difficult for Ankara to be described as a 'threat'. It is oxymoronic to arm a country that threatens us.' The view of Brussels is that, “Europe is stronger when Turkey is with it rather than against it.”
The EU has warned Putin that there will be sanctions if he again violates the territorial integrity of another country, but it could have prevented the fire instead of having to put it out.
The Franco-German axis is de facto strengthened as long as Italian PM Mario Draghi, who had described Weidmann as “Nein zu allem” (No on everything), remains in power.
France, as President of the UN Security Council at the time, issued a presidential statement on 23 July, 2021, condemning Turkey’s stated intention as a glaring violation of UNSC resolutions on Varosha and called for an “immediate reversal” of the decision.
Germany will not be able to effectively put the brakes on reforms being pushed by French President Emmanuel Macron and at the same time it will not be able to exert a drastic influence on the frugal countries of the European North.
EU summits over the last year have consistently postponed imposing sanctions against Turkey over its violations of international law in Cyprus’ EEZ, the Aegean, and the Eastern Mediterranean, ostensibly in an effort normalise Greek-Turkish relations.
'Kosova seeks to resolve outstanding issues with the neighbors through dialogue. We will only be able to fix the relations in the Balkans with a principled and well-prepared dialogue, founded on European values.'
Some analysts believe Erdogan’s maximalist position in support of a two-state solution is designed to achieve a loose confederation, (effectively Ankara’s position in prior settlement talks), definitively abandoning the UN's bi-zonal federation framework.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s strategic decision to visit occupied Cyprus on the anniversary and re-open part of the ghost city of Varosha constitutes a sharp escalation and provocation on Ankara’s part.
It is obliged to point out omissions and delays in implementation and to stress the need to expedite the work of the committee on changes to school books – not to hide behind artful ruses.
China is losing no time in exploiting this situation in order to further increase its commercial power. It is already contributing to shaping the largest global free-trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
The leadership change in the US and the fluid situation in the Southeastern Mediterranean aggravated the problems posed by Erdogan and that creates the prospect of our country falling into a trap.
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