Τετάρτη 26 Μαρτίου 2025
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Όλα τα άρθρα του tag eu

Editorial Ta Nea: Our European way of life

As many times as one may shout Allahu Akbar before a cold-blooded murder in Europe they will never be able to win the jihad that they have declared.


Editorial Ta Nea: Persistence

Each time Erdoagn pushed the envelope a bit further because he knew that although Greece was complaining strongly the EU would not significantly change its posture.


Editorial To Vima: Time to shed delusions about Erdogan

To justify his military intervention on many fronts Erdogan says that he is is guided by the Ottoman past, but he is in fact reviving the catastrophic, expansionist Nazi theory of lebensraum.


Editorial Ta Nea : Endurance test

Recently Turkey’s interlocutors and allies have sent Ankara strongly critical signals such as having top officials visiting the region without going to Turkey.


Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunity

Paradoxically the fire that destroyed the Moria camp not only highlighted the conditions on the islands where refugees and migrants reside but it also offered Greece a great opportunity.


Editorial Ta Nea: No room for complacency

From the start Greece has stressed the need for all parties to abide by international law and to that end launched an international diplomatic blitz.


Editorial To Vima: Europe is not just France

Only France is stepping forward to staunchly and with clear judgment support Greece’s just positions. Other EU countries, however, are not doing their part as their interests have led them to adopt a neutral stance.


Editorial Ta Nea: Tears

At times indifferent, at other times weak, and at other times hiding behind the refusal of local societies to bear their portion of the burden, the competent officials had buried their heads in the sand with the hope that the problem would gradually disappear.


Editorial To Vima: When will Europe react?

Before the decision to turn the museum of the Christian Basilica of Hagia Sophia into a mosque and yesterday’s NAVTEX (a navigational warning), since May, 2019, there were a series of provocative actions by Turkey


Editorial To Vima: An EU-Turkey affair

French President Emmanuel Macron issued a stern message to Turkey criticising its activity in Libya but other EU states are not on board and there is no solid EU front against Turkey.


Editorial To Vima: Europe’s big day

Europe now has an ideal opportunity to act decisively and thus ensure its long-term prospects as a cohesive and useful supra-national structure that ensures the well-being of the peoples of the Union.


Editorial To Vima: The first step

Much like her predecessor Mario Draghi, ECB chief Christine Lagarde has declared she will do anything necessary to shore up the eurozone and temper the economic shock of the pandemic.


Editorial Ta Nea: The return of politics

It is not easy at difficult moments to be magnanimous. Yet it is at such times that generosity characterises great leadership, as did the perceptiveness and moral leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel during the refugee crisis of 2015.


Editorial To Vima: Solidarity, not ideological fixations

The wealthy states of Northern Europe and especially Germany, the Netherlands, and Finland continue to stubbornly refuse to adopt bold economic measures in the midst of a deadly pandemic.


Editorial Ta Nea: Priorities

It would be disastrous to leave the economy to its own devices as many governments in Europe realise though there are glaring and unfortunate exceptions, which have made the situation even more difficult.


Editorial Ta Nea: Lessons

Greece and the enitire EU responded effectively when migrants and refugees in Evros were exploited by Ankara as a tool of blackmail to achieve objectives that were anything but humanitarian.


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Τετάρτη 26 Μαρτίου 2025