Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Dealing with judicial delays

The meting out of justice cannot be held hostage to interruptions, postponements, and delays, which in the past put Greece on trial in the European Court.


Editorial Ta Nea: A hard punch in the gut

There is much evidence that indicates that the death of three young sisters in Patras is due to a heinous, hair-raising crime that is unprecedented not only for Greece, but perhaps also in the annals of crime internationally.


Editorial Ta Nea: Enough is enough!

Professors must transcend their fears and reservations and realise that without their cooperation and active participation, no policing mechanism can be effective. Today their colleagues are being attacked, but tomorrow it will be them.


Editorial Ta Nea: Expediting justice

A flexible, extremely swift, and stable justice system contributes to building a state that can more easily attract investment. It helps improve the state's relationship with companies and citizens.


Editorial Ta Nea: A ‘fair trial’

The problem is that citizens are deprived of their fundamental right to a 'fair trial' and emergency measures are needed. The reform and modernisation of Greece’s judicial system can wait no longer.


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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024