Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Greek Judiciary

Editorial To Vima: A country betrayed

Mr. Mitsotakis has a duty to tell the whole truth about the raging EYP surveillance scandal and to allow the judiciary, unhindered, to conduct an in-depth investigation.


Editorial Ta Nea: Speed and trust in meting out justice

In fact, there is no judicial system worth its salt which fails to win the trust of citizens, because in the final analysis trust is the bedrock of the democratic form of government.


Editorial Ta Nea: The last straw

There are great delays in the meting out of justice in Greece. Shocking incidents like the one in Thessaloniki remind us in the harshest manner that such delays are impermissible for a state operating under the rule of law.


Editorial Ta Nea: The vindication of #MeToo

The #ΜeToo movement appeared in Greece quite belatedly. Now that the first wave of charges has passed, it must not be forgotten or treated with contempt. All cases that have opened must be painstakingly investigated.


Editorial To Vima: Greece’s great victory

Without exaggeration, in prosecuting Golden Dawn Greece has demonstrated internationally the value of unalloyed democratic principles in a world confronted with deep transitions.


Editorial Ta Nea: Paying the piper

The Syriza-Independent Greeks government soon realised that the independent judiciary, free-thinking media, and the thinking public would not allow them to bring their plans to fruition.


Editorial Ta Nea: Adventure

On the one hand Parliament must probe to find the truth and on the other it must ensure the legal and constitutional order. The one is a precondition for the other.


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Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024