Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Restoring trust in political parties

The youth, working people, businesses small and large, and pensioners constitute critical pools of voters. They are not electoral audiences that seek simplistic answers to complex issues.


Editorial Ta Nea: Political parties transforming

What was missing in SYRIZA's recent convention and the post-convention activity was a comprehensive, honest review of the party's record while in power.


Editorial To Vima: The great responsibility for climate change

Gradually, according to models designed to specify the impact of the climate crisis, the deltas of large rivers will be lost, the Maldives will be submerged, substantial portions of Piraeus and Thessaloniki will be flooded, and Greece’s entire coastlines and islands will be threatened.


Editorial Ta Nea: Greece’s youth

As the government plans its policies to achieve a broader appeal among youth, the entire political system should work together on a path toward reconnecting them with politics and ensuring their participation in the democratic process.


Editorial Ta Nea: The bane of toxic politics

Instead of engaging in self-criticism and trying to contribute to a productive and civilised political competition, top cadres of main opposition SYRIZA continue to cultivate hatred and polarisation.


Editorial To Vima: Combating the circle of backwardness

Vaccine deniers are in the same circle of backwardness that in 2000 struggled against the new state IDs because they did not record religious affiliation, and who staged huge protests against Greece recognising its neighbour as North Macedonia.


Editorial Ta Nea: Time to build consensus

Our politicfal parties can and should co-exist by working to defuse hostility and to build consensus whenever and wherever possible in the name of the common good.


Editorial: The exception and the rule

It became glaringly obvious that the much-touted cooperation between political parties during the first wave of the pandemic in spring was merely one brief shining moment.


Editorial Ta Nea: The cost

Moreover, it is unacceptable that parties and individuals make incredibly far-fetched accusations about the alleged existence of a junta, or about a derailment of democracy


Editorial Ta Nea: Unity

The political system is facing Turkish provocations united and with no desire for petty partisan exploitation.


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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024