Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Editorial To Vima: The great vaccine rollout wager

In Greece, although the vaccine rollout began with enthusiasm in the spring, over time, and especially during the summer months, interest waned. That is mainly because of the emergence of a groundless and unscientific anti-vaccine movement.


Editorial To Vima: The battle can be won

More rational citizens realised that the vaccines are effective, defeated fears, and greatly limited the prospect of grave illness from COVID-19. All around the world, vaccinated people feel more secure and free to move and act.


Editorial To Vima: Beyond a new lockdown

One must effectively monitor specific central Athens neighbourhoods where high rates of transmission have been detected so as to stem the spread of the virus.


Editorial To Vima: The March scenario

Greece and governments all over the world hope that the vaccine will help manage the public health crisis and permit a gradual normalisation of social and economic life.


Editorial Ta Nea: Uphill battle

The paramount objective right now is to avoid at all costs the travails of the Italian health system and to limit as much as possible the dramatic disaster that Italy is experiencing.


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Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024