Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Greek State

Editorial Ta Nea: To the very end

Greece is not the first country or the last country that will attempt to put an end to football fan club violence, which means we can do it, as long as we pursue the effort to the very end.


Editorial Ta Nea: Memory and stability

It would be a welcome change as if those who bear responsibility for tragedies in which many people died when they were in power [SYRIZA], and for an ensuing cover-up operation, exhibited greater self-awareness and modesty.


Editorial Ta Nea: Zero tolerance

At a time that the academic community must handle the repercussions of the pandemic, tolerance for any type of violence leads ineluctably to a further downgrading of our universities. Thuggery, terrorism, and those harm democracy.


Editorial Ta Nea: Caution

Confronted in the coming days with the danger of a merging of the fourth and fifth wave of the pandemic, let us maintain our endurance and make a few additional sacrifices. It is up to us to exit the pandemic on our feet.


Editorial Ta Nea: Prevention

Prevention of flooding does not mean only the readiness of the Fire Service or of the Army. It involves the small things that must be done daily at every administrative level of the state, such as the cleaning of gutters around public schools and of storm drains on major avenues and small streets.


Editorial Ta Nea: An issue of democracy

A repetition of the phenomenon and incidents of far-right violence, and indeed in vulnerable and sensitive places such as schools, can lead to the reappearance of neo-Nazi groups that often have political ambitions.


Editorial Ta Nea : A threat to society

Precisely because the repercussions of the issuance of fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates are not limited to public health, but also touch on the social contract to which we have all agreed, the state has a duty to fully shed light on these cases.


The urgent need for a contemporary state

We all saw how the smaller and more efficient state that has been touted by this government since it came to power as a key objective failed to make the grade.


Editorial Ta Nea: Cushion

There is a pressing need to ensure that the state will be he here after the end of the pandemic to supporτ citizens financially and in terms of public health.


in.gr | Ταυτότητα

Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος

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Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2024