Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Exiting the pandemic

The final exit from the epidemic is now, and as autumn advances it is important to be vigilant and not to be lax with irresponsible behaviours on the individual and collective level, as this two year battle has been waged both by the state and citizens.


Editorial To Vima: Fatalism

The government succumbed to the truly many pressures and impatience of citizens for the opening of the economy and society so that they could be freed from oppressive restrictive measures. The lack of preparation was revealed in autumn one year ago, when the second wave of the pandemic raged in Northern Greece..


Editorial Ta Nea : A threat to society

Precisely because the repercussions of the issuance of fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates are not limited to public health, but also touch on the social contract to which we have all agreed, the state has a duty to fully shed light on these cases.


Editorial Ta Nea: Dangers

Even if one does not have legal training, one can comprehend that there can be no individual right that imperils the lives of others, because that would mean that we have anarchy instead of democracy.


Editorial To Vima: The great vaccine rollout wager

In Greece, although the vaccine rollout began with enthusiasm in the spring, over time, and especially during the summer months, interest waned. That is mainly because of the emergence of a groundless and unscientific anti-vaccine movement.


Editorial Ta Nea: Mandatory vaccination

The low percentage of vaccinated people in the Armed Forces and security forces must be a cause for concern for the government, The government spokesman has said that nothing has yet been decided. . Yet, other countries have already decided,


Editorial Ta Nea: Protection of public health

Given the fact that a large percentage of citizens are still unvaccinated, they must in some manner be protected from the highly transmissible Delta variant of COVID-19, which has stirred concerns among experts.


The hour of battle between rationalism and conspiracy theories

'Quite recently when I went to buy a cup of coffee, I heard a group of customers spewing opinions about the vaccine altering DNA, eschatology and the Book of Revelation, the largest clinical experiment in the world, and other such nonsense.'


Editorial Ta Nea: The end of toleration

The enforcement of measures that will be announced very soon by the government will not be easy. Restaurants and entertainment venues will be called upon to check whether customers have a vaccination certificate or have already fallen ill from COVID-19.


Editorial To Vima: The battle can be won

More rational citizens realised that the vaccines are effective, defeated fears, and greatly limited the prospect of grave illness from COVID-19. All around the world, vaccinated people feel more secure and free to move and act.


Editorial Ta Nea: Light

Perhaps many people have not understood that we are at a delicate juncture in which we can move forward through the tunnel of the pandemic, but at the same time confront serious obstacles.


Editorial To Vima: Get vaccinated now!

With its new variants the virus is again demonstrating its ability to harm. It disputes and renders conditional policies and plans for a return to normalcy, belying the expectations that are at times cultivated.


Editorial Ta Nea: Readiness

The government, aside from ensuring enough doses for the entire population, must find a more effective way to get its message across to those who refuse to be vaccinated that vaccines are necessary and secure.


Editorial Ta Nea: Privileges

If privileges for vaccinated citizens can be used as a tool to advance understanding among those who are still reluctant to be vaccinated, then they are not only just – they are necessary.


Editorial Ta Nea: Choices

The global scientific community has maintained and confirmed, especially in the case of the UK, the view that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine far exceed the drawbacks.


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Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024