Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: A model programme

If the average citizen is defenceless in the face of major, new economic trials, that will lower quality of life and provide fertile ground for populist and anti-politics forces.


Editorial Ta Nea: Meeting financial obligations

As the weekend edition of Ta Nea reports today, the finance ministry and the tax bureau are mulling a double “bonus” for those who service their debt.


Editorial To Vima: The crisis and the risk

As the war in Ukraine continues, one may well see the establishment of a permanent economic crisis chain, with severe pressures on Greece and all of Europe.


Editorial To Vima: Land, wind, sun, and sea

It is up to us – the Greek people and the country’s political and economic leadership - to honour and exploit to the greatest degree possible Greece’s natural resources.


Editorial To Vima: Boldness, foresight, and measure

Before the current government had a chance to even start implementing its platform, Greece and the entire world were thrust into the public health crisis wrought by the pandemic, which created its own priorities.


Editorial Ta Nea: Supporting households amid raging inflation

EU cohesions depends on the protection of the Union’s citizens. The need to find ways to de-link geopolitical fluidity from the welfare of citizens in their daily lives is a major challenge for the European family.


Editorial Ta Nea: Market checks everywhere

The invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions presage continued price gouging on products the prices of which will inevitably rise due to current conditions, such as fuel.


Editorial: The only antidote

The current government, which came to power in 2019, was not able to implement its electoral platform, as the public health crisis that ensued and its negative impact disorganised everything.


Editorial Ta Nea: Whatever is necessary

A breather through tax cuts for the middle class is necessary. That is not only because it was a central plank in the government’s electoral platform, but also because it is yet another way to support labour.


Editorial To Vima: The burden of inflation

In our country, what is exceptionally problematical is the explosive rise in the price of natural gas (135 percent), electricity (45 percent), and heating fuel. They comprise an extremely sensitive whole that can trigger a new inflationary cycle.


Editorial Ta Nea: Obligations

SYRIZA’s spokesman reiterated proposals for a minimum wage hike, lowering the special consumption tax, and intervention in the pricing of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) in order to stem inflation.


Mitsotakis: Second minimum wage hike on 1 May

The fiscal space for the minimum wage increase was created by a 2021 growth rate of over eight percent. The growth projection for 2022 is between 4.5 percent and five percent.


Editorial Ta Nea: Attention must be paid

It necessary for the government to devise a package of initiatives to offer relief to the average citizen with a dividend, price cuts wherever possible, and a minimum wage increase, which it is rightly planning.


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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024