Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
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Movement for Change

Editorial Ta Nea: Changes

The prospect of a higher electoral percentage has made many consider a return to their Social Democratic political home, and many voters who over the last years disappointedly chose not to vote are looking for a party that can express them.


Editorial To Vima: An historic opportunity

Fortunately, the forces of populism are losing the war that they declared. The ideological arsenal of Social Democracy is making a comeback, from Scandinavia and southern Europe to the US and Japan.


Editorial: KINAL must be united

Personal ambitions, disputes, and bitterness have no place in a party that seeks renewal in order to once again become a pillar in a political arena with two predominant parties.


Editorial: Wager

The number of people who turned out demonstrated that among voters in the centre and centre-left of the political spectrum there is a strong desire for a progressive party that can play a leading role.


Mitsotakis and the battle for centrist voters

While ruling New Democracy has always been a centre-right party, Mitsotakis has chosen to interpret that term as 'less ideological' and 'more practical'.


Editorial Ta Nea: Standing tall

Fofi Gennimata adorned the Greek political terrain in an era of political fluidity that was difficult for our country. In a period of dwindling respect for politicians and in which institutions were rocked, she remained a constant. She was the people's Fofi.


Papandreou wants to play unifying role in KINAL, but will he seek the leadership?

The former PM, who is the son of the late Pasok founder and prime minister Andreas Papandreou, has by far the broadest and deepest influence among centre-left voters in the base of the party – which was renamed Movement for Change after Pasok suffered a crushing defeat in the 2015 general elections.


Editorial Ta Nea: Fofi, stand strong!

Movement for Change leader Fofi Gennimata’s new health problems have shocked and emotionally moved all of Greece, and that is reflected in an unprecedented deluge of support and well wishes.


Editorial Ta Nea: The Greek centre-left

Those involved in the election of the part's leader have a duty to keep in mind that the contest will not only determine who will be the next leader of the Movement for Change. It will also determine the future of the party.


Editorial Ta Nea: Political flirt

What underlies SYRIZA's failed efforts to forg e a centre-left front is the aim of co-opting the centre-left, Pasok-based Movement for Change (KINAL).


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Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2024