Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025
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Όλα τα άρθρα του tag TURKISH PROVOCATIONS

Editorial Ta Nea: Compusure

The Greek side is obliged to be, as it is, in a constant state of readiness, and to combine a clear and fine line of composure with a firm demonstration of decisiveness.


Editorial: Deterrence

Deterrence must be established at many levels, such as armaments and the proper planning of the country’s defence, including preparation for new, hybrid forms of attack.


Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunities

The geopolitical and economic upgrading of Athens as a partner of the US should be highlighted, and all issues regarding Turkish provocations should be raised


Editorial Ta Nea: No room for complacency

From the start Greece has stressed the need for all parties to abide by international law and to that end launched an international diplomatic blitz.


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Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025