Predator Scandal: Lavranos, Bitzios and Dimitriadis risk losing visas for travel to US
Washington is stepping up sanctions on companies and individuals involved in a scandal revolving around the illegal spyware Predator
Washington is stepping up sanctions on companies and individuals involved in a scandal revolving around the illegal spyware Predator
In Ukraine, for the last 100 days, thanks to the bravery of the Ukrainians who continue their resistance, the heart of liberal democracy beats.
'We encourage our NATO Allies, including Greece and Turkey, to work together to maintain peace and security in the region and resolve differences diplomatically.'
The US is leading the entire effort in Ukraine, but the Americans are 5,000 miles from the theatre of military operations, and the Europeans will necessarily face most of the consequences of the war.
A possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, which could be followed by a Chinese intervention in Taiwan, confronts the West with excruciating dilemmas. For Europe, the danger is not only that it may once again lead to two spheres of influence.
Greece must now ask itself, under new conditions, what made it strong after the 1974 post-junta regime change, and what can make it even stronger today. In any event, it is not the relationship with the US, as important as it may be.
Big energy giants that were conducting research in the region in question began to pull out. Just last week, a consortium comprised of Total, ExxonMobil, and Hellenic Petroleum decided to freeze seismic research to the south and west of Crete.
First of all, the permanent, age-old civil war in Afghanistan has not ended. Tribal leaders, generals, and warlords of the old regime are negotiating among themselves and with the Taliban – which itself is not a unified force – and no one can prejudge the results.
Some analysts believe Erdogan’s maximalist position in support of a two-state solution is designed to achieve a loose confederation, (effectively Ankara’s position in prior settlement talks), definitively abandoning the UN's bi-zonal federation framework.
Given the political tensions that prevailed internet trolls gained ground and returned to their destructive work of easy and absolutely corrosive slander.
It was the 61st round of such talks, which commenced in 2002, when George Papandreou was foreign minister, and were abruptly terminated in 2016 after an abortive coup against Erdogan
The United States, Italy and Spain were the top exporters of arms to Turkey from 2015-2019, according the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Political initiatives are needed to ensure solidarity with vulnerable groups and the poor, to guarantee the endurance of the health system, and to check the epidemic's spread.
The prospect of a vaccine electrified world markets with the S&P 500 and Dow hitting record highs. JPMorgan said it expected the S&P 500 index to hit 4,000 points by early 2021.
To justify his military intervention on many fronts Erdogan says that he is is guided by the Ottoman past, but he is in fact reviving the catastrophic, expansionist Nazi theory of lebensraum.
The international community must realise that the situation has reached its limits and that it must make it clear that enough is enough.
'Very useful exchange with President Erdogan on developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and on migration. I welcome the planned launch of talks with Greece, which are essential for stability in the Eastern Mediterranean,' said Von der Leyen.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With less than 80 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, it looks like Joe Biden’s race to lose.
NEW YORK/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States lost a bid on Friday to extend a U.N. arms embargo on Iran as Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed a summit of world leaders to avoid “confrontation” over a U.S. threat to trigger a return of all U.N. sanctions on Tehran.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a reversal from a few years ago, many officials who oversee U.S. election technology and outside security experts now worry less about hacking in the November elections than about misinformation and logistics such as a shortage of poll workers and slowdowns at the U.S. postal service.
Today there is nobody in their right mind who has not understood the significance and value of a country being governed by trustworthy individuals and forces that are at least in a position to discern major threats
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