Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: The 100th day of war

In Ukraine, for the last 100 days, thanks to the bravery of the Ukrainians who continue their resistance, the heart of liberal democracy beats.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: We must do more to promote peace

The US is leading the entire effort in Ukraine, but the Americans are 5,000 miles from the theatre of military operations, and the Europeans will necessarily face most of the consequences of the war.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: A new Cold War

A possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, which could be followed by a Chinese intervention in Taiwan, confronts the West with excruciating dilemmas. For Europe, the danger is not only that it may once again lead to two spheres of influence.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Op-Ed: Greece’s security

Greece must now ask itself, under new conditions, what made it strong after the 1974 post-junta regime change, and what can make it even stronger today. In any event, it is not the relationship with the US, as important as it may be.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Op-Ed: What the US State Department non-paper means

Big energy giants that were conducting research in the region in question began to pull out. Just last week, a consortium comprised of Total, ExxonMobil, and Hellenic Petroleum decided to freeze seismic research to the south and west of Crete.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Deciphering the chaos in Afghanistan

First of all, the permanent, age-old civil war in Afghanistan has not ended. Tribal leaders, generals, and warlords of the old regime are negotiating among themselves and with the Taliban – which itself is not a unified force – and no one can prejudge the results.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Time to shed delusions about Erdogan

To justify his military intervention on many fronts Erdogan says that he is is guided by the Ottoman past, but he is in fact reviving the catastrophic, expansionist Nazi theory of lebensraum.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Who will rein in Erdogan?

The international community must realise that the situation has reached its limits and that it must make it clear that enough is enough.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

U.S. officials now worry about election logistics more than hacking

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a reversal from a few years ago, many officials who oversee U.S. election technology and outside security experts now worry less about hacking in the November elections than about misinformation and logistics such as a shortage of poll workers and slowdowns at the U.S. postal service.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Unworthy leaders

Today there is nobody in their right mind who has not understood the significance and value of a country being governed by trustworthy individuals and forces that are at least in a position to discern major threats

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Dark leader

Erdogan can do anything in the darkness that surrounds him but that is also his Achilles’ heel – the prospect of being destroyed by his megalomaniacal nature and abuse of the tools he believes he has at his disposal.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Realism

Our country must be present with the diplomatic vigour that its geopolitical place demands and with a clear conception of its size and role.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

EastMed Act another move en route to gas pipeline

The Act reaffirms the importance to the US of maintaining its strategic partnerships with Israel, Greece and Cyprus.which are cooperating on the EastMed gas pipeline from the Mediterranean to Europe.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: The myth

Since the Battle of Navarino in 1827 Greece has never been alone. Most recently during the 1996 Imia crisis the US intervention to defuse the situation was definitive.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Pyatt argues Turkey-Libya MOU on EEZs violation of international law

'The US legal judgment is that the Turkish government, in its assertions regarding maritime claims and specifically continental shelves, differs with our legal analysis and also with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,' the US ambassador said.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Defence

Europe has understood in an ever more dramatic manner that the post-war world is changing.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Islamic State leader Baghdadi reportedly killed in Syria by U.S. forces

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is believed to have been killed in a U.S. military operation in Syria, sources in the region said on Sunday and U.S. President Donald Trump was due to make a “major statement” at the White House.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Greece in the era of instability

At the same time waves of US protectionism, have undermined international trade, have undermined global growth, limited the rise of China, limited the power of India and rising Indian and Latin American economies, and have trapped embattled Africa turning it into a centre of refugees and migrants..

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Absentees

Vladimir Putin’s Russia which is distant from the Western values of democracy and liberty is steadily gaining predominance in the Middle East.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Trump, Erdogan and Pandora’s Box

The problematic Turkish leader continues to provoke everyone and remains indifferent to international and domestic reactions and he has opened fronts in Cyprus and in Syria.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Price gouging

The Greek state must take measures, regulatory authorities must act swiftly, and staff must if necessary be increaesd in order to avert price gouging.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The dangers of an oil war

John Bolton, an advocate of a US-Iran military clash may have been fired but no one can know what Donald Trump’s stance will be from now on.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Words can kill

Americans constitute 4.4 percent of the global population and own 42 percent of the total number of weapons worldwide.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

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Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2024